Your donations help Kangal dogs in need
Your donations go directly to the dogs we are currently fostering and caring for. There are many expenses that go into the rescue efforts and the cost of care add up quickly making donations essential.
When you click the donate button below, you will be taken to the Hands Helping Paws Paypal donation link. Hands Helping Paws is the Umbrella 501(c)3 non-profit organization that collects monetary donations for the Kangal Dog Rescue Project. All money donated through this link will be used for the Kangal Dog Rescue Project.
You shop, Amazon donates
AmazonSmile is a program that donates 0.5% of your eligible purchases on Amazon to a charity of your choice. All you need to do is start your shopping at smile.amazon.com and select Hands Helping Paws Rescue as your organization.